Our colleagues' guest lectures in Cluj-Napoca

Our colleagues' guest lectures in Cluj-Napoca

This year marks the 150th anniversary of university-level geography education in Cluj-Napoca. Our colleagues gave several lectures at the events celebrating the anniversary.

Ferenc Gyuris: The Geography Department in Cluj-Napoca and International Trends of the Institutionalization of Geography in the Late 19th Century

Viktor Kocsi: Global Value Chains in East Central Europe

Gyula Borbély: An Economic Geography of Logistics in the Agglomeration of Budapest

A remarkable part of the event series was the book presentation of Henry Yeung's (National University of Singapore / The Chinese University of Hong Kong) volume Theory and Explanation in Geography with the discussants József Benedek and Andreea Ţoiu (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), Paloma Puente Lozano (Universidad III Carlos de Madrid), and Ferenc Gyuris, who delivered his talk with the title "Theory and Explanation in Geography: Some reflections from a geography of science approach."